Monday, February 18, 2013

Cute Pictures of Cats

99.9999% of the time I just adore my kitties. Most vet students have an underlying note of "Crazy Cat Lady" hidden somewhere in their personalities, and given free rein we will snatch up every sob-story, abandoned, abused, neglected kitten we can find, and love them like they've never been loved before. However, 0.0001% of the time, my cats turn into carnivorous, fake-plant hunting demons ready to stalk and kill any rogue carpet fuzzies or dangling phone chargers in their paths, and it takes all of my self-control not to make them someone else's sob stories.

I have a small litterbox for my cats in a corner of my room next to my desk. Dahsu, my little smush-faced cat, took a fat stinky crap, covered it up, then leapt DIRECTLY from the litter box onto my desk, spraying freshly shat-on litter all over my notes.

Dahsu also likes to steal highlighters and hide them, so that my freshly-bought Sam's club pack of highlighters dwindles in a matter of weeks.

 Dahsu and my roommate's cat, Gibson, like to tear around the house at warp speed, skidding through the corners on the hardwood, knocking off refrigerator magnets as they go. They think it's especially funny to knock breakable things from high places and watch with glee as they shatter on the floor.

Bandit, my other cat, likes to stare at blank walls like there's something inside them only he can hear. All of the sudden, after staring at the wall for several minutes, he will bolt away at top speed and claw his way up to the top of his cat tower like he was racing an invisible demon. He will also bite any body part I leave exposed when sleeping hard enough to draw blood if he is even remotely hungry. When I bolt upright out of dead slumber, screeching in cat bite agony, Bandit plods dramatically over to his empty food bowl, meowing pitifully, and making big doll eyes at me, as if he's been starved for months and even just one lonely kibble would satisfy him.

The other roommate's cat, Oscar, is the sneaky one of the bunch - he waits until 4am to knock over the downstairs trash can in a desperate search for chicken scraps. Oscar only has about 5 teeth left and can still manage to down an entire drumstick before we get downstairs. Additionally, if ANY animal food is left within his reach, Oscar will chew a hole in the bag to get inside. This applies to any and all bagged animal food - he once chewed a hole in a bag of horse hoof growth supplement I left not-so-out-of-his-reach on a table.

Enjoy some cute cat photos. Highlighter thief!